Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Bracketeering- A Deliberation Strategy

Over the past year I have taken several steps to encourage greater deliberation in my classes.  In a country increasingly plagued by a general lacking in the ability to engage in reasoned dialogue, our classrooms are the ideal place to promote this crucial skill in our students.  In past posts (2/2018 & 1/2018)  I've detailed a few of my favorite strategies for deliberation; in this post I will discuss one more, a new spin on an often used classroom activity- bracketeering.

Brackets have been in use for ages, and have been used as a classroom strategy for almost as long.  Particularly, it seems, in social studies classes, brackets can be an effective method to encourage students in valuing anything from battles to individuals to movements.  Brackets have become used so much that, to be honest, I've strayed away from them in the past.  But, when used effectively, a bracket type of lesson can work well, especially when trying to encourage deliberation.

In this lesson, which was focused on a senior-level government course studying civil rights and civil liberties, students were asked to research a landmark court case.  We have always done something similar in the past on this topic, but in the past it has generally been a research paper followed by a presentation.  And while there is nothing wrong with a research paper, I wanted to bring a more deliberative element into the lesson.

Students picked from a list of landmark cases, and had a few days to complete background research.  While researching, students were asked to complete a brief information sheet, which guided their study through the use of "essential questions".  These questions focused on the background, finding, rationale, and overall importance of the case.  Students were also asked to prepare a short presentation on their chosen case.  In this presentation, students were challenged to approach the effort as a sales pitch, to stress the importance of the case to the other students in class.  While their classmates presented, students were asked to keep a note sheet on the cases, for accountability, but more so that each student would have a guide to help in filling out their bracket.

After presentations came the brackets.  Building the bracket itself, and then obtaining a "winning" bracket, was the source of the biggest legwork on the teacher side of preparation.  Done beforehand, cases were separated into "regions", and then seeded.  Seeding the cases proved difficult, and I'll admit, likely reflect personal bias in my own definition of impact.  Once the bracket was built, I sent it to five trusted professionals throughout the country (most of which I have gotten to know through Twitter), who's personal brackets were collated into a master bracket.

Students were encouraged, as they filled in their own brackets, to converse with their classmates, and it was a joy to see the disagreements that rose from certain selections.  Students often were forced to justify a decision made within a matchup, and it was in that effort that my students really shined.  The act of discussing an opinion with someone else, and backing up that opinion with reasoned evidence, is the goal, and I was truly excited to see this lesson lend to that kind of deliberation.  Later in the semester several of these cases showed up on a final exam, and the class average on that section was an 87%, suggesting that this strategy not only advanced deliberation but also retention!

As we finished the lesson, students were asked to write a short position paper to justify their "Final Four" and the case they picked to win.  After reading these it was clearly evident that the level of understanding, both of particulars of the case but also the impact of the case, was significantly higher than it had been using the old method.  For more on this lesson plan, and other great lesson ideas for social studies teachers, make use of the "Social Studies Collaborative Drive"!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

An Open Letter to My Seniors

It's tough when you have so many things that you would like to say, but you know that trying to say them in class would leave you a blubbering mess.  And so, as a way to express my gratitude for the past four years, an open letter...

Dear Seniors,

I distinctly remember, 4 years ago, when I was "warned" about the incoming freshmen class.  And while I do my best to tune out those "warnings", I'll admit that I walked into freshman World History with some trepidation.  4 years later I can see that most of those warnings were bunk.  For many of you, it's been four years of work together.  Others three, some just a semester.  I'm not sure it matters, because after 13 years of teaching (and 36 years of life) it is clear that it's rarely the length of time in which you've known someone that matters, it's the impact made in the time you've had.  

You'd think, after 13 years, that I would stop being surprised at the impact that my students have on me.  But even now I remain shocked at how much I owe to so many of you.  You have challenged me to think outside of the box with how I plan my lessons and my classes.  You have forced me to toss "tried and true" lessons in favor of what will work best for the students, which should always be my mission.  You have brought up so many great points in conversation that have forced me to reevaluate my own point of view.  On countless occasions I have worried for you, I have shared tears with you, I have listened to incredible accomplishments with you...and each of these have made me a better father to my own children.

When I think of this class, those warnings from four years ago seem empty, replaced with thoughts of great potential.  When I think of this class, I think of loyalty, a great capacity for love, an eagerness to be respected, and, when given the chance, a tremendous potential for leadership and constructive dialogue, two things which this country needs now more than ever.

With all this said, as you begin the next chapter of your life, understand that some big decisions await you.  Some of these decisions are going to work out; some won’t.  Regrets are sure to come along the next path to follow, and I hope that you will see that regrets can simply be the result of risks taken and battles lost, which are not always bad experiences.  We often don’t learn from winning, but we can always learn from losing.  And since life is about learning, take advantage of every opportunity to experience it to the fullest, whatever the results.  Look back at your time here fondly, but move forward with boldness.  "What" and "If" are two of the least threatening words in the English language...but when put together, they represent opportunities lost, and that is dangerous.

It has been an honor, a true honor, to have worked with you, and as you approach the next mile on the journey I hope that you will remember that my help and advice is but an email, DM, or call away.  I would say good luck on the next step, but that implies that you will need to count on luck to succeed in your dreams.  Instead I will say...good living!

Gratefully Your Teacher,

Mr. Cline