I'll try to keep this one short. Many of the posts I've written here have been written in reaction to something that has weighed on me, something I've found troubling. And I've always told myself to wait a few days before I wrote, to get my thoughts straight, to cool down before I post something. Not this time.
I've purposely written this right now, when I'm angry. When I'm not cool. And I offer no apologies for it.
I am sick and tired of watching the news and seeing children run for their lives from a school building. I am a father, and my son is in elementary school. I love him with everything I am. And every child I see running from school has his face. I am a teacher, and I have over a hundred students who I love deeply. And every child I see running from school has their face. I am tired of thinking of parents who have lost their most precious thing. And although I am inspired, I am tired of reading about teachers who have lost their lives shielding their students. I am tired of being overcome with emotion. I am angry.
Parkland was the 18th time since January that I have seen children in this situation. 18. Since January. And 18 times I have seen our "leaders" make speeches and tweet about how sorry they are. And I no doubt that this will the 18th time that nothing will change, no action will be taken. (And yes, I put "leaders" in quotation marks, because leadership is not found in the title, it's found in the action.)
And, since the Parkland tragedy, it is the 18th time this year where I've seen social media filled with excuses for why something is not part of the problem. It's not a gun problem, it's not a people problem, it's the school's fault, it's the parent's fault, heck I even saw the President seemingly blame it on the students for not reporting this student. Here's the deal- I'm not here to tell you that I know who is to blame. All I know is that it is EVERYONE'S problem.
I'm also not here to pretend like I know the perfect answer to these senseless tragedies. All I know is that I stand with those who want everyone to save their sorry's and tears, and focus on the tough conversations that need to come next, and the actions that need to be taken. These conversations need to include everything. We need to be able to say the word "gun", and not automatically assume that every gun is going to be taken from every American. We ought to be able to have real conversations about guns. We need to talk about mental health. We need to talk about what schools can do to better protect students. We need to realize that not every possible answer is the right one, but that we have throw everything on the table and talk about it. And more than that, we have got to act on it. We need to understand that it's not just DC that should be talking about this; these conversations need to be happening in our schools. Every teacher should be angry when they see schoolchildren fleeing for their lives. What has made me, perhaps, the angriest has been to see fellow teachers focus their feelings on something other than the students in their charge. If you are a teacher, and your first and foremost concern is not the safety of your students, I don't get you. If you are a teacher, and you're not angry about this, I don't get you.
I had lesson plans yesterday, and for the most part I followed them. But before we worried about that, I told my students that I love them. I don't do that enough. My thoughts are consumed with the thought of "What is that was my son?", "What if those were my students?", "What if I lost even just one?"
In our croom, my love for my students is real.
Their safety is my priority.
My anger is real.
And my motivation for action is real as well.
Please, call your legislators. Annoy them with pleas to make the conversations and action a reality and a priority! If you live near me, here is the info for Congresswoman Susan Brooks- 1030 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-2276
Fax: 202-225-0016
Kevin, I'm so glad you wrote this while you were angry. Your feelings echo those of so many of us, and we need to speak up. We need to keep speaking up until there is a change. Thank you for writing this very moving post.